There are many different ways to care for your sunglasses, from different sunglass cleaners, cases, and cleaning cloth materials, to different places to store the sunglasses to ensure that your shades are kept in top condition for as long as possible. We will go over a few of these tips to help you keep your CHEEKS shades usable and looking great for years to come.

Sunglass Storage

The most basic method that you can use to keep your sunglasses looking as good as new is to ensure that you store them properly when not in use. People put their sunglasses in many places when they are not using them, such as their purses, backpacks, car glove compartment, on their heads, or even in a pocket. Some of these methods are great when done properly, and others should only be used in specific circumstances. 

Comparing Sunglass Storage Options

The best way to store your sunglasses is in a protective case, such as a clamshell case, snap case, or even a microfiber storage bag. Each of these options brings different amounts of protection while not in use. A clamshell case is perfect for throwing in your bag, car glove compartment, center console, or even in a cupboard at your home. They provide maximum protection while not being worn, and also can help you to keep track of where they are for when you next need to find them. 

Snap Case VS Clamshell Case 

A snap case is usually a bit less protective, and easier to bend, but still a good solution to storage that still has a little rigidity, but can still be crushed if not careful. A microfiber storage bag provides minimal protection, mainly preventing scratches and sun exposure.

Does It Matter Where You Store Your Sunglasses? 

Absolutely. When purchasing premium sunglasses, you want to make sure they can last you a long time. Sunglasses storage can directly contribute to the lifespan of your sunglasses. 

Important considerations for short-term sunglass storage

There are a few things to keep in mind when deciding where to store your sunglasses. 

  1. The most important consideration when storing sunglasses is temperature consistency. Extreme temperatures can cause the frames to potentially warp if left for too long, or even cause the color of the frames to fade. 
  2. Never Store Naked! Leaving sunglasses naked when not in use is the fastest way to get scratches and discoloration. 
  3. The best place to store your sunglasses is in a hard protective case where possible, as this has the best chance of protecting your sunglasses from direct heat and sunlight.

Why You Shouldn’t Keep Sunglasses on Your Head…

It may seem common to keep sunglasses on your head when not in use, but you should refrain from wearing them when you are not using them. Keeping them on your head can cause the frames to stretch or become misshapen over time, causing them to no longer fit comfortably, and securely on your face. If you do place them on top of your head make sure to not stretch them out to make them fit, rather gently place them on top of your head when necessary. 

Best Practice for Sunglass Care When Traveling 

When traveling, it can be easy to forget to take care of your sunglasses—one of the best ways to protect your shades when traveling is to use a hard protective case. While using included cloth or leather cases is okay for storing your sunglasses in a pinch, the best way to protect your sunglasses when out and about, or when storing them in a place where other objects could potentially touch the lenses, is by using a hard protective case with a rigid shell.

Not only does this protect your sunglasses against being crushed or bent out of shape from pressure, but it also protects against drops and helps to keep the frames out of the sunlight as well as preventing dirt and dust from making contact with the lenses.

How To Clean Your Sunglasses

How you clean your sunglasses is just as important as where you store them, and depending on your lens coating, what you use to clean them is an important part of keeping your sunglasses looking good as new. Most importantly, you need to ensure that no household cleaners, ammonia-based products, or abrasive substances are used to clean your sunglasses to make them shine, as these can damage the coating used on the lenses and potentially weaken the stability of the frames themselves. 

To clean sunglasses effectively without damaging them:

  1. Make sure your hands have been washed, to remove all dirt, oils, and other contaminants that could damage or dirty the lenses further
  2. Get a special solution that is specifically designed to clean sunglasses or other types of glasses, rather than just any old household cleaner or glass cleaner; (If that is not an option for you, a lint-free, non-abrasive cloth dipped in a combination of dish soap and warm water can be used to gently clean the lenses and frames.)
  3. Spray the solution directly onto the lenses, and then use the lint-free cloth, to gently wipe away the liquid, making sure to buff out any streaks that may appear until you get a clean shine
  4. Dry your sunglasses lenses using either a clean microfiber cloth or a lint-free towel
  5. Put on your shades and wear them with confidence!

You too can invest in a great pair of sunglasses that not only look great but are durable and last a long time. At Cheeks Shades, we give you many options for excellent sunglasses that are durable and stylish. When you buy a pair of our feminism-focused shades, we donate $5 to Calling All Crows and its #HereForTheMusic campaign.

Conclusion: Important Tips for Sunglass Care 

By following the care tips mentioned above, you can prevent damage and extend the life of your sunglasses. By properly cleaning, storing, and caring for your sunglasses, we are confident that Cheeks Shades will be your favorite pair. We are so confident you will love your purchase, we give you 15 more days to return than the industry average. But if you do find yourself outside the 45 days, feel free to reach out to our support team. We believe by taking good care of your sunglasses, you can enjoy them not just today, but for many years to come.
01 décembre, 2023 — Remig Raffanti