How Did We Get Polarized Sunglasses?

Surprisingly, Polarized Sunglasses have been around for almost 100 years. In the late 1920s, Edwin H Land was on vacation with his family, when he ran into an issue of the blinding glare from the sunlight that was reflecting off of the snow-covered mountains. He then took this issue to heart and set off to investigate how to solve the problem with an inexpensive solution, and eventually ended up with the breakthrough creation of Polarized Lenses. He realized that manufacturing a film with millions of polarizing crystals could block specific waves of light, reducing glare and enhancing visual clarity. Since his innovative discovery, a new era of sunglasses was born, which blended functional ingenuity, with a stylish accessory that continues to shape the eyewear landscape today. Polarization is now a commonplace feature that many people search for when trying to choose a new pair of sunglasses to purchase. However, polarized sunglasses may not be the right fit for every person or situation. So how do you determine which type of sunglasses to choose from?

Polarized Sunglasses Can Improve Your Vision

One of the primary advantages that polarized sunglasses have over non-polarized lenses, is their ability to effectively combat the glare from the sun that can annoy, cause discomfort to, and blind anyone who enjoys the outdoors. Polarized sunglasses combat all of these issues by using that special filter invented by Edwin Land to selectively block horizontal wavelengths of light, such as sunlight bouncing off of the surface of water or even pavement, which significantly reduces glare and enhances your visual comfort. Not only does this glare reduction prevent eye strain, but also helps to give you sharper vision, and improved depth perception, making them ideal for outdoor activities, such as skiing, driving, or heading to the beach for the day. Not only do Polarized Lenses function as glare reduction, but also provide robust UV protection as well, shielding our eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, and allowing for eyesight longevity for many years to come.

Non-Polarized Sunglasses Protect Just As Well As Polarized

On the flip side, non-polarized sunglasses are not just dark pieces of plastic or glass, but instead can still be just as protective against harmful UV rays. Not only do non-polarized lenses offer sun protection, but they often come in a much wider variety of glass tints and gradients than their polarized counterparts, allowing the sunglass wearers to utilize their eyewear to add to their stylish outfits. This makes non-polarized lenses a just as practical and fashionable choice for individuals who prioritize style and fashion, but don’t want to compromise the health benefits that eye protection brings to the wearer. Additionally, the polarization in sunglasses can sometimes interfere with daily life, as the film can make it difficult to read displays with LCD screens, making non-polarized sunglasses an ideal choice to wear when you are dealing with technology. Non-polarized sunglasses can be just as effective when protecting against harmful UV rays, as polarized sunglasses do, so you can still rock your favorite pair of sunglasses that might not have polarization in their lenses.

Is Polarized, or Non-Polarized Better For Displays and Screens?

Non-polarized sunglasses, in contrast to their polarized counterparts, are particularly suited for individuals who spend a significant amount of time using digital screens. The absence of polarization in these lenses means they do not interfere with the visibility of digital displays, making them a practical choice for those who work extensively with computers, tablets, or smartphones. The compatibility with screens allows individuals to wear non-polarized sunglasses comfortably indoors without experiencing visual distortion or reduced clarity. This makes non-polarized sunglasses a versatile accessory for daily activities, especially in environments where exposure to intense glare is minimal, and the focus is on maintaining clear and unaltered vision across various electronic devices.

Can Polarized Sunglasses Help Enhance Color Perception?

Polarized sunglasses stand out for their remarkable ability to maintain authentic color perception while simultaneously reducing glare from reflective surfaces. The unique design of polarized lenses selectively blocks horizontally polarized light, which is responsible for glare, without compromising the natural colors of the surroundings. This feature makes polarized sunglasses an exceptional choice for individuals who prioritize not only visual comfort but also a genuine representation of the environment. Whether you're enjoying a day at the beach, participating in outdoor sports, or simply navigating daily life, the preservation of true colors by polarized lenses ensures a vivid and unaltered view. This characteristic distinguishes polarized sunglasses as an invaluable accessory for those who appreciate both style and uncompromised visual clarity in diverse settings.

Can Polarized Sunglasses Help With An Astigmatism?

Polarized sunglasses offer a valuable solution for individuals with astigmatism, a common refractive error affecting the shape of the eye's lens or cornea. While polarized lenses are primarily known for their glare-reducing properties, they can also contribute to improved visual comfort for those with astigmatism. Astigmatism often causes blurred or distorted vision due to irregularities in the eye's curvature, leading to light scattering in multiple directions. Polarized sunglasses help mitigate this effect by selectively filtering out horizontally oriented light waves, reducing glare, and enhancing overall visual clarity. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with astigmatism, as it aids in minimizing visual disturbances caused by bright sunlight and reflective surfaces. By providing a clearer and more comfortable viewing experience, polarized sunglasses become a practical and stylish choice for those seeking relief from the challenges associated with astigmatism in various lighting conditions.

How Do You Decide Between Polarized and Non-Polarized?

There are a few factors to consider when choosing between polarized and non-polarized for any given situation. If you are going to be enjoying outdoor adventures such as fishing, hiking, skiing, or boating, where glare could be a significant detractor from your enjoyment and interaction, then polarized sunglasses would be the optimal choice to take with you. On the other hand, if you just want to elevate your look, whether it’s for a casual day out on the town or a stylish event that might require a bit more classy choice of eyewear, you might not need the added cost that can come from choosing polarized sunglasses. Instead, you can be just as accessorized and fashionable by wearing a pair of non-polarized sunglasses, which oftentimes brings a broader range of fashionable options to choose from. 

The Choice Is Yours

The choice between polarized and non-polarized sunglasses doesn’t have to be an either-or decision. It all comes down to finding the right balance between fashion and function, that aligns with your lifestyle, preferences, and occasions that you will be using your sunglasses for. Just remember, there’s always a stylish pair of sunglasses out there that will be perfectly suited to your unique functional needs as well. Only you can decide what will work best for you. 


January 25, 2024 — Remig Raffanti